Popular Services

Animal Control

It's time to renew your dog license for 2023

Please renew by February 28, 2023 in order to avoid a late fee of $10.00. CMC 8.08.130(f)

Except as provided in CMC 8.08.180, it is unlawful for any person to own, possess, keep or harbor any dog over seven months of age within the city unless such dog is licensed and a license tag attached... CMC 8.08.130.

REMINDER: If the Police Department picks up an unlicensed dog the Animal impound fee is $100.00 plus $10.00 boarding fee per day. Cost of vaccines and other services administered while animal is impounded. Animal license must be obtained prior to release if animal is not already licensed.

A complete copy of CMC 8.08 which includes fees, can be obtained at City Hall or found at the City of Connell website, www.cityofconnell.com.