Popular Services
City Clerk
The City Clerk's office is responsible for administrative and clerical work, the maintenance and custody of official city records, conformance to city and state laws and the management of the department budget. The Clerk's office also maintains the city’s filing system, keeps record of the acts and proceedings of the City Council. minutes of City Council meetings, publishes public notices of meetings and other activities, and provides for the preparation, publication and distribution of the agenda and packets for City Council. The City Clerk maintains records of all city ordinances and resolutions passed by the City Council; prepares contracts, legal documents and agreements: supervises legal preparation of hearings or special meetings, notices and publications.
The City Clerk acts as the office manager and ensures the community is provided professional, efficient and courteous service. The office of City Clerk position is set forth in CMC 2.08.010. The position serves the Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator and is responsible for the coordination and dissemination of information required for all other boards, commissions and committees to perform their assigned functions to the best of their ability.
City Council Agendas and Minutes
Archived Resolutions, Ordinances and Minutes
Washington State Archives http://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/
Senior Citizen and Disabled Citizen Discount
The City of Connell offers a low-income senior and disabled citizen utility rate reduction. The rate reduction is available to low-income senior and disabled citizens that qualify for the discount in accordance with the Connell Municipal Code. To access the Low-Income Senior Discount Form, click here. To access the Low-Income Disabled Discount Form, click here. Eligibility requirements are shown on the forms. If you have any questions, or would like further information, please call City Hall at 509-234-2701.
Requesting City Public Records
Any person may request access to public records from the City of Connell. Complete and submit a public record request form to City Clerk Marissa Ortiz at mortiz@connellwa.org. For questions, Marissa Ortiz can be reached by calling (509) 234-2701 X 1232.
Public Record Request PDF Form
Requesting Police Public Records
Contact the Connell Police Department Records Clerk Toni Hoffman at thoffman@connellwa.org or at (509) 234-4141 x 2221.