Popular Services

Pioneer Park Pavilion

Located within Pioneer Park at 431 East Birch, the Pavilion is a large, covered picnic facility equipped with tables, electrical outlets, and an adjacent barbeque pit. Water is also available nearby. The Pavilion is available for use by all community residents on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations are made and recorded at City Hall. For more information or to make reservations, contact City Hall at 234-2701. As with all City facilities, we appreciate that those who use the Pavilion respect it by keeping it safe, clean, and in good repair.

Pioneer Park Pavilion Reservation Policy

Reservation for your family or groups are necessity to assure park space for your event.
The Pioneer Park Pavilion is available for rent for a fee as established by the City of Connell's Master Fee Schedule. There is a minimum fee of 4 hours per rental.

When making reservation for the Pavilion the following information must be provided 2 days prior to the date of the event:

Date of Event, Hours of Rental, Type of Event. Name and contact number and address of the person in charge.

You must first contact the City Hall to check for availability. Office hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday at 104 East Adams or phone 509-234-2701.

The policy for use of the Pavilion is as follows: First come, first served. Provided that you;

                                a. Fill out a reservation application 2 days prior to event
                                b. Pay the rental fee; minimum 4 hours
                                c. Do not create loud noise or disturbance
                                d. No alcoholic beverages in park
                                e. Pick-up and remove litter or place in waste receptacles
                                f.  Remember you are responsible for all members of your group
                                g. Be out of park by dusk. Park closes at dusk
                                h. No vehicles parked on the lawn.
                                I. Please make special request at the City Hall for Bands, Music, etc.


No Pavilion Reservation will be scheduled until the form is fill out and the fee has been paid to the City.

If notice of cancellation is given less than 15 working day of event date there will be no refund.


Online Park Pavilion Rental Form


Pay your Pavilion fee with AllPaid

The City accepts online payments for Community Center rentals, building permits, bulk water purchases, land use/planning services, pavilion rentals and swimming lessons through AllPaid* 

Note:AllPaid charges a service charge for each transaction (minimum charge is $1.75). For each additional increment of $50, or portion thereof, add $2.00. The amount of the charge will be provided to the cardholder for acknowledgment and acceptance prior to completion of a transaction