Popular Services
Business Licenses
Any person who sells goods or services and/or solicits business is required to have a business license for the City of Connell. The City of Connell wishes to encourage all persons interested in opening a business to visit our Connell Municipal Code - Business Licenses and Regulations for information on local businesses. This also serves as a reminder that it is unlawful for any person to conduct a business or nonprofit enterprise for which a license or permit is required, without having a license or permit in effect. There is a $30.00 city license fee and it is required to be renewed annually to avoid late fees assessed by the state. The entire process for applying for a state and local business license, as well as obtaining specific required endorsement, is all completed online. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 509.234.2701 ext 1221.
If you plan to start your own business, visit the link below to get started and complete your business license application.
*Update! - New BLS Processing Fees
Annual License
Citizens must come to city hall and renew their license annually.
Animal Licensing Fees:
Citizens must come to city hall and renew their license annually.
Animal Licensing Fees:
Spayed/Neutered $ 7.50
No Spayed/Neutered $15.00
Over 65 $ 5.00 each for first 2 animals
$ 7.50 for third animal
Late renewal (on or after March 1st) additional $10 per license
Replacement license tag $ 2.00
Service dogs No fee
Chicken License / Re-permitting $15.00
Commercial Kennel License $50.00
Dangerous Animal Registration - additional $250.00 per year
Dangerous Property Inspection $50.00
Potentially Dangerous Animal Registration (if applicable) - additional $100.00 per year
Animal Impound
- $100.00 fee plus $10.00 boarding fee per day
- Cost of vaccines and other services administered while animal is impounded
- Animal license must be obtained prior to release if animal is not already licensed